Countless v2.0: a big update


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Over 5 months after the first release of Countless, a big update, the version 2.0, is available. This new version features lots of additions and improvements:

  • Use shields to protect you against mistakes
  • Collect coins to buy shields and skins
  • Multiple different skins to unlock
  • Fully revised difficulty curve
  • Improved touch response: now you can touch two pieces at the same time
  • Ads are now less annoying and give more rewards
  • Many visual improvements
  • By popular demand, now you can leave the name empty when you make a new record

Countless was born as a simple project with the idea of learning how to use Unity game engine, as well as being able to release a game in a short period of time. There were no plans to expand it very much, and I only planned to maintain it by fixing issues from time to time while I was working on a new project. But once I saw the game actually released and received feedback, I decided I needed to do some important changes, and here they are. Let’s take a detailed look into some of them.

Difficulty Curve

The original difficulty curve was very abrupt. It rapidly reached the most difficult point and stayed there for the rest of the game.

Here you can see how after just a few seconds, the board passes from 2x2 to 4x4 and the time per level is decreased to the minimum
Here you can see how after just a few seconds, the board passes from 2×2 to 4×4 and the time per level is decreased

In order to get a friendlier, more progressive difficulty curve, and at the same time offer a more challenging gameplay to those who manage to reach advanced levels, the progress in the game has been meticulously adjusted.

With the new, adjusted difficulty curve, the board increases its complexity in a much smoother way


The game now allows you to collect two different item types: coins and shields. You can get coins in multiple ways (playing, viewing ads, and even as a gift!). With them, you will be able to buy shields and unlock skins or themes that change the colours in the game. Use the shields when playing to protect you against failures!

Everyday you will get a gift when opening the game


See the icon at the bottom left corner? Touch it to open the shop!


In the shop you will be able to buy stuff using the coins you have earned. You can also get free coins after watching an ad!

Visual Improvements

Many small visual improvements have taken place: more icons and less text, more color variety, and other improvements to make everything more clear.

Some new icons have replaced the old text markers, and a small separation between pieces in 2×2 boards has been added to improve the look and feel


With the new themes you can switch the color scheme to a different one if you have unlocked it


New colours have been added to support the new 5×5 boards as well


Hopefully this update will make the game much more fun and engaging. Are you enjoying it? Do you have anything to suggest or comment? Please leave a comment at the bottom of this post or use the Contact Form.

See you in the leaderboards!

UniShare: sharing scores to social media with Unity


One of the features I have missed in Unity when developing Countless, is the ability to share scores to social networks like Twitter or Facebook, as well as any other media like email and other messaging applications. Today’s mobile operating systems have integrated, standard tools that allow applications to easily share text and images to the media chosen by the user, and it would make sense that Unity integrated a unified, multi-platform API to deal with these features when deploying to mobile devices, but it doesn’t.


iOS Sharing Dialog
An example of a standard sharing dialog


So, after searching a lot, I finally found what seems to be the best existing option at the moment: the UniShare plugin by Level One Games. It allows to easily get a screenshot and share it via the OS’ standard dialog. It is not free, but it is definitely worth its price.


Honestly, after installing it I didn’t find it very straightforward to start using it, because I could not manage to find any documentation, and despite of including an example, it didn’t work for me. But everything turned out to be quite simple after taking a look into its code.


How to use UniShare


After installing it, a new folder called UniShare will appear in your project under Assets/Plugins. It includes an example folder. You can simply remove it. So you will have a structure similar to this one:


UniShare Folder Structure


If you go to the Scripts folder, you will find a script called UniShare. If you open it, you can find some of the methods that you will need to perform the most common operations related to sharing, like TakeScreenshotTakeScreenshotAndShare, and ShareScreenshot. But… how and where can you use them?


Simple. Add a Script component to one of your game objects, with this script:


UniShare Script Component


There you can see the parameters you can set for sharing, like ShareText and the four Border values. All of them can be configured both in the UI and from code. Once you have this component, it is possible to go to a custom script attached to this same object and do something like this:


[code language=”csharp”]
private UniShare uniShare;
private string originalSharingMessage;

void Start () {
uniShare = gameObject.GetComponent<UniShare> ();

// Compute values for borders depending on screen’s aspect ratio if needed
uniShare.BorderLeft = Screen.width * …;

// Keep the original text so we can update it afterwards
originalSharingMessage = uniShare.ShareText;


In the example, I am storing the original value of ShareText in order to be able to update it afterwards. My intention here, is to define the text in Unity’s UI, but with a parameter ({0}):


UniShare Share Text


… so, from my script, I can use that exact text but replacing the parameter with the needed value:


[code language=”csharp”]
public void openSharingDialog(int _score) {
uniShare.ShareText = string.Format (originalSharingMessage, _score);
uniShare.TakeScreenshotAndShare ();


Another important feature, is the ability to set borders for the screenshot. In my custom script, you have seen I was updating the screenshot’s width according to some criteria and depending on screen’s aspect ratio. The parameters defined by UniShare for this, are values between 0 and 1 that are relative to screen’s width and height. In order to make it easier to know what we are doing, UniShare allows us to print a semi-transparent rectangle in Unity’s simulator indicating the area that will be captured, by checking “Simulate Captured Area” in the script’s parameters:


UniShare Simulating Captured Area


So, you can use that information to tweak the borders and get the data you need to adjust the screenshot.





UniShare: compartiendo en redes sociales con Unity


Una de las funcionalidades que he echado en falta en Unity al desarrollar Countless, es la posibilidad de compartir puntuaciones en redes sociales como Twitter o Facebook, así como cualquier otro medio como email u otras aplicaciones de mensajería. Los sistemas operativos móviles de hoy en día tienen herramientas integradas y estándar para compartir fácilmente texto e imágenes a los medios escogidos por el usuario, y tendría sentido que Unity integrase una API unificada y multiplataforma para acceder a esas características al exportar nuestro proyecto a dispositivos móviles… pero no lo hace.


iOS Sharing Dialog
Un ejemplo de un diálogo estándar para compartir


De modo que, tras buscar mucho, finalmente encontré lo que parece ser la mejor opción existente en este momento: el plugin UniShare de Level One Games. Permite obtener una captura de pantalla y compartirla fácilmente a través del cuadro de diálogo estándar del sistema operativo. No es gratuito, pero sin duda vale la pena por su precio.


Sinceramente, tras instalarlo no encontré demasiado intuitivo cómo comenzar a usarlo, porque no logré encontrar documentación, y a pesar de incluir un ejemplo, este no me funcionó. Pero todo resultó ser muy sencillo tras echar un vistazo a su código.


Cómo usar UniShare


Tras instalarlo, una nueva carpeta llamada UniShare aparecerá en tu proyecto bajo Assets/Plugins. Incluye una carpeta con un ejemplo. Puedes simplemente borrarla. Así, tendrás una estructura similar a esta:


UniShare Folder Structure


Si vas a la carpeta Scripts, encontrarás un script llamado UniShare. Si lo abres, verás algunos de los métodos que necesitarás para realizar las operaciones más comunes relacionadas con la funcionalidad de compartir, como TakeScreenshotTakeScreenshotAndShare, y ShareScreenshot. Pero… ¿cómo y dónde puedes usarlos?


Simple. Añade un componente Script a uno de tus game objects, con este script:


UniShare Script Component


Ahí puedes ver los parámetros que puedes configurar para compartir, como ShareText y los cuatro valores Border. Todos ellos pueden ser configurados tanto en la UI como por código. Una vez tengas este componente, es posible ir a un script custom enlazado a este mismo objeto y hacer algo como esto:


[code language=”csharp”]
private UniShare uniShare;
private string originalSharingMessage;

void Start () {
uniShare = gameObject.GetComponent<UniShare> ();

// Calcular valores para los bordes dependiendo de la relación de aspecto de la pantalla, si es necesario
uniShare.BorderLeft = Screen.width * …;

// Guardar el texto original de modo que podamos actualizarlo después
originalSharingMessage = uniShare.ShareText;


En el ejemplo, estoy almacenando el valor original de ShareText para poder actualizarlo después. Mi intención aquí, es definir el texto en la UI de Unity, pero con un parámetro ({0}):


UniShare Share Text


… y así, desde mi script, puedo usar ese texto pero reemplazando el parámetro con el valor requerido:


[code language=”csharp”]
public void openSharingDialog(int _score) {
uniShare.ShareText = string.Format (originalSharingMessage, _score);
uniShare.TakeScreenshotAndShare ();


Otra característica importante, es la posibilidad de establecer bordes para el screenshot. En mi script custom, has visto que actualizo el ancho de la captura de pantalla de acuerdo con algún criterio y dependiendo de la relación de aspecto de pantalla. Los parámetros definidos por UniShare para esto, son valores entre 0 y 1 relativos al ancho y alto de pantalla. Para hacer más fácil saber lo que estamos haciendo, UniShare nos permite activar un rectángulo semitransparente en el simulador de Unity indicando el área que será capturada, si activamos “Simulate Captured Area” en los parámetros del script:


UniShare Simulating Captured Area


Así, puedes usar esta información para configurar los bordes y obtener los datos que necesitas para ajustar la captura de pantalla.


Countless, my new game



And here it is. Or almost 🙂 . After some months spending part of my very limited spare time learning how to use Unity and working on a game, it is almost finished. Let me introduce Countless.




Countless is a very simple game. The player is presented with a square board full of squares. Each square has a number, and the player must match numbers, in correct order, as quick as possible. The player will fail when not matching the next pair of squares in time. The goal? Match as many pairs as you can.




Despite of its simplicity, developing Countless has been (and is being) very didactic when it comes to using Unity game engine. It involves a lot of animations, data persistence, scene and object management, event handling, UI configuration, ads, and access to some target systems’ features. And a lot of scripting. This is my first experience using a third-party game engine. My previous game, EggOrama, was developed from scratch using my own engine.




For me, Countless serves a dual purpose. On one hand, it is a game that I will publish. It will be free, but include some ads (as well as a little gamification of this). On the other hand, by working on it I have been able to learn a lot about the game engine without having to spend too much time on each feature. After releasing this game, I will be prepared to start another one (but won’t forget updates for Countless as well).


Countless will be released soon, for iOS and Android, featuring both local and online leaderboards. More platforms could eventually join the party. No specific release date yet, though!





Countless, mi nuevo juego


Y aquí está. O casi 🙂 . Tras algunos meses pasando parte de mi muy limitado tiempo libre aprendiendo cómo usar Unity y trabajando en un juego, está casi terminado. Permitidme presentaros Countless.




Countless es un juego muy simple. Ante el jugador se muestra un tablero cuadrado lleno de cuadrados. Cada cuadrado tiene un número, y el jugador debe emparejarlos, en el orden correcto, tan rápido como sea posible. El jugador fallará cuando no empareje el siguiente par de cuadrados a tiempo. ¿El objetivo? Hacer tantas parejas como puedas.




A pesar de su simplicidad, desarrollar Countless ha sido (y está siendo) muy didáctico en lo que a usar el motor Unity se refiere. Involucra un montón de animaciones, persistencia de datos, gestión de escenas y objetos, configuración de UI, publicidad, y acceso a algunas características de los sistemas de destino. Y mucho scripting. Esta es mi primera experiencia usando un motor de juego de terceros. Mi anterior juego, EggOrama, se desarrolló desde cero usando mi propio motor.




Para mí, Countless sirve para un doble propósito. Por un lado, es un juego que voy a publicar. Será gratuito, pero incluirá algo de publicidad (así como un poco de gamificación de esta). Por otro lado, al trabajar en él he podido aprender mucho sobre el motor sin tener que pasar demasiado tiempo en cada característica. Tras publicar este juego, estaré preparado para empezar otro (sin olvidarme de las actualizaciones para Countless).


Countless será publicado pronto, para iOS y Android, e incluirá tablas de clasificación tanto local como online. Puede que más plataformas se unan a la fiesta en el futuro. ¡Pero no tengo una fecha de lanzamiento específica todavía!